Friday, 8 May 2015

The road not taken poem solutions

Q7. On the basis of of your understanding of the poem answer the following questions by ticking the correct choice.
(a). In the poem,  a traveller comes to a fork in the road and needs to decide which way to go to continue his journey figuratively the choice of the road denotes.
Ans :- the tough people make the road of life.
(b). The poet writes, `two roads diverged in a yellow wood.‘ The word diverged means
Ans :- branched off.
(c). The tone of the speaker speaker in first stanza is that of:-
Ans:- anger.
Q8. Answer the following questions briefly.
I).Describe the two roads that the author comes across.
 Ans. The author comes across a fork in his travel. He stands and looks at the both roads which are equally lay with grass. One was much travelled and the other was less travelled.
II).Which road does the speaker choose? Why?
 Ans. The speaker has chosen the road less travelled. Because there may be two reasons. One is that he has left the other road for another day anticipating that he may come back in future and the other is that he wants to prove his adventurous nature and to show the world that his brave decision has led to the success attained by him.
III).Which road would you choose? why?
 Ans. I would choose the road less travelled. Because, I don't want to die without getting any recognition. If I follow somebody's footsteps,I cannot be identified  as an individual.The life is too short ,whether you  choose or do not choose,you must die.I don't want to die as unrecognized  fearing the short ditches on my way.
IV).Does the poet seem happy about his decision?
 Ans. No, He is not happy about his decision. Because the title is "The Road not taken" not "The Road Less Travelled". Though the last word of the poem 'difference' suggests a positive expression, the word is said with deep grief, according to the word 'sigh' used in the first line of the stanza.
V). The poet says “I took the one less travelled by /And that has made all the difference.”What is the difference that mentions?
Ans: - The poet picks the road “less travelled by”. Only future can tell whether he was wise to go on the road he once chose. Generally the choice of the road will bring change in life. If we follow the path that hardly suits us, we could  suffer the aftereffects of it. And on the other hand if we  choose the right track of life we shall lead a prosperous life. This is what makes “The difference” after all.

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